80% of people over 40 suffer from cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, most of whom do not even think about the true cause of their ailments. Meanwhile, degenerative changes in the spine lead to a violation of its structure and functions, and also turn out to be the root cause of many diseases.

Why cervical osteochondrosis develops, its prevention
The development of cervical osteochondrosis most often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, a long forced stay of the back and neck in an uncomfortable position. The onset of the disease usually goes unnoticed, the symptoms of degeneration increase gradually, and many people do not pay attention to the increasing headaches, discomfort in the neck, neck and back. With the progression of the disease, a feeling of numbness and tingling in the hands, palpitations, dizziness, increased fatigue and irritability join. These symptoms are nothing more than manifestations of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.
At the initial stage of the disease, special treatment is not required, but preventive measures must be taken to prevent the further development of osteochondrosis. Therapeutic exercises play an important role: you need to do morning exercises regularly, try to maintain the correct posture during work and rest. An important role is played by the rejection of bad habits, the observance of a moderate-calorie diet, the rejection of fatty, spicy and salty foods, the restriction in lifting weights.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Unfortunately, in most cases, it is only possible to slow down the progression of the disease, so you have to resort to other complex methods of treating this disease. Therapy is carried out by a neurologist, if necessary, he consults with doctors of related specialties: a vertebrologist, an osteopath, and prescribes treatment individually in each case.
As prescribed by the doctor, a course of drug therapy is used to relieve inflammation in the spine, eliminate painful spasms and restore impaired blood flow. Analgesic drugs, vitamins of group B are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good therapeutic effect: magnetic fields, ultrasound, laser, which relieve pain.
The use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment also relieves pain well and facilitates the recovery process after an exacerbation of the disease. After the removal of an acute condition, physiotherapy exercises, massage, reflexology, spinal traction are used. These activities are aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain and normalizing metabolism in the cervical spine.
These procedures are performed by a specially trained massage therapist. Nearby are vital brain centers that regulate the basic functions of the body, so special care must be taken when carrying out such manipulations so as not to harm the patient's condition. In addition to these treatments, the patient is prescribed to wear a cervical collar. It is necessary in order to achieve fixation of the vertebrae in a certain position and provide peace to the affected part of the spine. Wearing a collar should last at least 1 month, but not more than 2-3 hours a day. During a night's sleep, the correct position of the neck and body can be achieved with the help of orthopedic mattresses and pillows.
If necessary, after consultation with neurosurgeons, surgical treatment can be indicated - in case of destruction of the intervertebral disc and the development of life-threatening complications. Timely measures taken to prevent and treat cervical osteochondrosis can restore a person to health and well-being.